Website Basics - Should You Host Email On A Web Server?

business email hosting

If you own a website, you’re going to need an email address as well; these two things go hand in hand. As a business owner, you should have an account where people can contact you. Ideally, your email address will use your company's domain name so that you appear more professional. A professional email address can also reinforce your branding. It looks very unprofessional to use an email address at your ISP or a free email provider like Hotmail and can alienate potential customers.

This brings us to our question, should you host your email on the same server as your website? For most businesses, the answer is NO.

If One Goes Down, So Does The Other

Most website hosting companies offer unlimited email accounts for free when you decide to host your website with them. This is precisely why you shouldn’t accept their offer. Think about it for a second: if your website server goes down, what will happen to the email account? Website downtime is a serious issue, and you must be notified immediately. But how? The email servers went down with the website. Why, you ask? Well, because you placed all your eggs in one basket.

In such scenarios, you can forget about receiving important emails from prospective clients or fans. If these reasons are not enough to convince you not to use your web server for email, here’s another one.

It Increases A Website’s Loading Time

Hosting emails on your web server can eat up as much as half of the resources responsible for loading your web page, resulting in slower performance. Since Google measures every millisecond your hosting takes to load a web page on a daily basis, if you’re consistently slow, Google will send your visitors elsewhere.

A web server really exists for the sole purpose of loading your website, and it should do it fast. Anything that gets in its way is, simply put, bad for business.

A Web Server Is Different Than An Email Server

One big difference has to do with available storage space. A robust email server will allow a large amount of storage space, making it a better choice for users that don’t want to clear their email regularly. Additionally, an email server is more likely to have enhanced spam filtering and other functionality that makes the email user experience better. You'll probably find it easier to connect all your devices like phones and tablets as well.

Other Options For Hosting Email On Your Domain Name

Fortunately, you have a lot of options for hosting your company email separately from your website hosting server. A short list of these providers includes:

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