Today people are routinely surfing the web on their smartphones, not just for entertainment but to find your business. In 2015, Google reported that mobile search volume exceeded desktop computer searches, and released a tool to test for mobile-friendly design.
If you would like to assure that your customers and prospects can easily view your website, then it's time to incorporate Responsive HTML. We've been designing mobile websites since 2010, and we can quickly make your website mobile-friendly.
In the old days, we used a separate template for the mobile website. But today's Responsive HTML assures that your design is consistent across all devices. The design adapts to the user's screen size, and we can customize different views to give the best eperience for each type of user.
There are also some behind the scenes coding techniques that are important to how mobile users can interact with your website. Make sure that your website developer uses best practices to assure that iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone users all have a great experience.
For some industries, mobile optimization is more critical to their success. For example, home service providers (painters, plumbers, pest control, etc.) are seeing 40% or more mobile traffic. And for restaurants, the numbers are typically even higher.
Additionally, Google may not show your website in mobile search results if your site is not mobile-friendly. You can read more about Google's suggestions for website best practices here.
Responsive HTML is included in all website design projects by BCS. But whether your site was designed by us, or another website design firm, we can assist with adding mobile website optimization.
Look at what a difference a website redesign makes!
- Before and After-
In 2022, we completed our transition to Advanté-BCS. Our team provides the same high-quality service that our clients have come to enjoy under a new brand.
Please visit us at to get started with your new website!