Our Team

Our team is dedicated to helping clients grow through better website solutions. Each team member brings their own strengths and abilities to the table, and we're all dedicated to helping fix broken websites to make your company, product or service stand out. It's The BCS Way!


Frank P

Frank P


Joomla! 3 Certified Administrator Upon heading up sales and marketing efforts for a leading pest control company, Frank was first inspired by the power of web marketing in 1996. Realizing the potential and growth of the electronic marketing industry, he began designing websites in 1997.

BCS Website Services came into existence in 2006, after Frank left his employer of 11 years (in 2000), grew and sold his first online company (2000-2003), and assumed the leading role of website design in a partnership with an IT company (2003-2006).

"I feel lucky that I decided to go into website design. For many years I worked in a service industry, and I consider BCS a service company above all else. Being helpful to others is something I enjoy, and if I play a role in someone else's business success that brings me great personal satisfaction."

Rizwan C

Rizwan C

Website Project Coordinator

Rizwan has a high proficiency in server side coding, with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Starting in 2011 as a junior developer, and progressing to development team leader, he has created and maintained over 100+ different websites. The list of skills he has gained or improved on in this role is extensive; PHP , MySQL, XHTML (Strict - W3C Validating), CSS, JavaScript (with Progressive Enhancement), jQuery, XML (including manipulation of RSS feeds), APIs (such as Google Maps).

In his current position as Website Project Coordinator, Rizwan oversees development of new websites, coordinating the workflow with clients and the developers.

Rizwan is passionate about exploring the boundaries of website development, which he feels leads him to success in a variety of applications that are suited to most every business field.

On the weekends, when not coding, he spends time with his family and friends.


Condé Crittenden

Graphics Designer

"Ever since I was a kid drawing chalk "masterpieces" on sidewalks I have always known I wanted a career in the creative industry. This made graphic design a natural fit and I graduated VCU majoring in Creative Advertising. With the mind of an art director and the heart of a copywriter, I tackle my projects with my need to weld image and language to connect with my audience. After starting at BCS in August 2017, I have only fallen more in love with graphic design and can't wait to see what my next project has in store."

In my spare time you'll probably find me with my nose in a book and donuts on my mind.

Behind the scenes people who help make it all happen:

Rizwan N

Senior Website Developer

Rizwan has worked with us since 2006. He has extensive experience building custom content management systems and developing functionality for our projects that require new and innovative solutions (you can read this as the "impossible" to do projects that we often tackle).

Misa C

Website Developer

Misa has worked with us since late 2014. Initially starting as a Junior Website Developer, he has worked hard to hone his skills and take on additional responsibility and more complex development tasks. Misa also manages most of our WordPress updates.

Hasan A

Website Developer

Hasan started with us in 2016 as a Website Developer. He brought existing skills working with CMS development, in particular with Joomla websites. Hasan works on slicing PSDs to Joomla Templates and WordPress themes, and heads up our Joomla updates.

Almarissa E

Social Media Researcher

Almarissa started with us in 2013 as a Junior Website Developer. Over the years she has been eager to take on other roles, learn new skills, and increase her knowledge of social media. She does most of the research and organization for our client's social media posting, as well as for our own posting calendar. Almarissa is quite creative with creating image posts too.

Sunny S

SEM Manager

Sunny started with us in 2015 to help share some of the responsibility for managing AdWords accounts with Frank. He's a great fit, having worked with diverse clients on their online advertising initiatives. Recently Sunny has started working on advertising on social media channels too, both for BCS and our clients.

Mahesh U


Mahesh is the man behind many of the great website designs here. He is passionate about keeping up to date with the current website design trends, and committed to working on any design revisions needed until the client is 100% happy with the look of their new website.

Leigha R


Leigha works part-time keeping our books in order and assisting clients with billing issues. She has a great phone demeanor, having worked in many large offices over the years.

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Our Before & After Designs

Look at what a difference a website redesign makes!

SanAir Technologies Laboratory Old Before
SanAir Technologies Laboratory New After

- Before and After -