Joomla!™ Migration and Upgrade Service

Do you need an expert to help update your Joomla website?

BCS Website Services has developed and managed hundreds of Joomla websites, for over 15 years. We can provide Joomla update and migration services for Joomla 1.0, 1.5, 1.7, and 2.5 series to the current version.

While most updates are relatively simple, BCS also has experience moving huge sites with tens of thousands of articles. The BCS staff has also updated many Joomla websites that use VirtueMart, with tens or hundreds of products.

Why Update Your Joomla Website? 

It's mainly about security. Because the old Joomla versions are no longer actively supported, they become vulnerable to hackers. With no security updates, your site could become a target for malicious users, and this can do irreparable damage to your business reputation.

But there are many other compelling reasons to upgrade Joomla.  Each new Joomla version becomes more user-friendly for the administrator, and adds support for modern front-end functionality like jQuery and Responsive HTML. Upcoming releases will introduce new features like custom fields, a real game-changer in customizing your CMS.

Joomla Upgrade Summary

How Hard Is It To Perform A Joomla Update?

The answer depends on what version you are currently running, as well as what extensions and template you are using. Updating from a very old version of Joomla, like 1.0 or 1.5, requires a complete migration. There is no easy upgrade option available.

The extensions used on your website may no longer be available. In this case either a new and similar component or plugin must be secured to replace it, or the extension must be recoded if you need to preserve its functionality.

Many templates use an underlying framework that may not be compatible with the current Joomla release, and need to be updated or replaced as well.

Will I Need A Website Redesign?

Not typically. In most cases we can update your existing template to be compatible with the latest release, preserving the look of your website. But many clients do prefer to freshen the look of their website during the upgrade process, and it makes sense from a cost savings standpoint too.

Some functionality will have changed in the new versions, and this in itself can cause some aspects of your website to change in appearance too. In general, these changes are minimal and the overall look can be preserved very closely.

What If My Site Is Already Hacked?

We can fix that for you. During the upgrade process, we will check for common website hacks and remove the malicious code, so that your new website is functioning properly and not impacting your business in a negative manner.

What to Expect from BCS 

When you hire us, you are getting access to top-notch Joomla experts that know how to successfully update your old Joomla site. You can expect to get treated with professionalism and respect, and we will work to complete the migration as quickly as possible. Discover how we update Joomla here.

We'll need access to your current administrator so that we can document the extensions and template that are used on your site. Within 1 to 2 days, we'll provide you with a firm written estimate for the project.

Contact us now to get a quote and discuss with our developers the best way to update Joomla

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Our Before & After Designs

Look at what a difference a website redesign makes!

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