Industry (Blog) Articles

writer posting to a blog

One great strategy for optimizing your website is to post original and compelling content on a consistent basis. These posts are useful for your customers and prospects, and may also improve your search engine rankings.

But who has time to write blog posts while running their business? Let alone adding them to your website, finding great photos to accompany the post, and optimizing the posts for sharing on social media channels.

Let our service take the hassle out of maintaining your company blog. We write and post relevant posts to your website monthly on a consistent schedule. And if you use our Social Media Posting service we'll also promote the posts to all your social networks.

If you don't have a blog yet, we can set that up on your existing website (recommended) or create a new blog website for you. We'll take the time to add the proper Open Graph and Twitter tags so that social shares look great and are easy for your readers to send.

Our Industry (Blog) Articles service is an exceptional value, and is available as a standalone service or included in our Website Marketer or Maintain and Socialize service packages. We'd encourage you to read more about our complete Online Marketing Services here.

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Look at what a difference a website redesign makes!

Shenandoah Shutters Old Before
Shenandoah Shutters New After

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