The Importance of Proactive Client Support In Web Design and Hosting

proactive supportAll customers expect to get quality support when they purchase a product.  Electronic devices, software programs, home yard machines, automobiles.  The list could go on forever.  Quality support is also important when it comes to web design and website hosting.  With the importance of ecommerce and marketing driving business now clients expect and should receive world class support every day.

When it comes to support in web design and web hosting it should be proactive.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes proactive as “acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.”  That definition perfectly describes the strategy a support technician should take when assisting clients.

A good support technician should communicate often with his or her clients to learn what issues may be presented in the future or what direction their business may take so that the website can keep pace with the changes. Sometimes clients are so busy with everyday tasks that updating their website may not be high on their list of priorities.  A simple phone call or email may remind the client that the website needs slight changes to promote their business further.  An example of this would be a website re-design.  This gives the site a fresh new look which may promote the business better and bring more clients to the business.

A good web hosting support technician will also ensure that daily site checks are done.  This assures that the client’s site is up and running each day.  When a business website goes down it means during that time the client is missing the possibility of gaining clients or accepting payments.  Another example of proactive support is periodic site audits.  This takes the daily site check many steps further.  All links and forms are checked for functionality and a cross browser check is done to ensure the site performs correctly on multiple devices and operating systems.  

Simply stated, proactive web design and support hosting is the process by which a conscientious support technician communicates with his or her clients to learn about future problems and needed changes.  Also, by being proactive every day and month a client’s business will thrive and grow to meet future demands.

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Our Before & After Designs

Look at what a difference a website redesign makes!

johnsonparrislaw old Before
johnsonparrislaw new After

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