Marketing Your Website- Advertising A Website In Traditional Media

website on billboard

Despite the fact that the internet has revolutionized everything, including the advertising and marketing industry, the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of advertising is traditional media. Traditional media is a tool that is still an important means of communication to users.   

Traditional Media

Traditional media has been the key element of marketing plans and strategies for decades because of its wide accessibility. Traditional media is essentially media that existed before the rise of the internet and social media. Newspaper, magazines, television, radio, and billboards are all considered traditional media sources for advertising.

Digital Media

Digital media ad spending in 2020 topped $150 billion and accounted for over 58% of media buying. Just a couple of years ago, traditional media still held the majority share of spending, but as consumer habits have changed, marketers have shifted their budgets to reach customers where they are spending most of their time. Social media advertising, streaming service ads, and online advertising are examples of digital marketing.

Traditional Media Or Digital Media: Which Is Better For Advertising?

Digital media does hold some big advantages for advertisers. With research on services and products largely centered around search engines, you can target ads to prospective customers that fit your demographic profiles and increasingly those that also fit your psychographic profile.

Both traditional and digital media have their pros and cons. People still take time out of their daily routines to use traditional media; most of us watch television for one purpose or the other, and many people listen to the radio while driving. We still see billboards as we drive and come across ads in printed media.

This leads us to the conclusion that both traditional and digital media play an important role in our lives, and a company that can budget for both will enjoy the full benefits of marketing. But the reality is that many small companies that can benefit from increased marketing efforts cannot afford to do both, and digital is likely the best alternative.

Is Traditional Media A Wise Choice For Website Advertising?

This may sound weird to some, but traditional media can serve as a platform to promote your website. However, you need to think outside of the box and come up with interesting and integrated advertising campaigns. For example, a radio ad mentioning a promo code for online shopping will increase traffic to your website.

In order to make sure that people remember your website address, use simple or catchy words. Also, developing a user-friendly website is important to make people stay on it for longer and tempt them to visit it regularly.

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